Tuesday, September 15, 2015

september garden pictures

my tomatoes. notice they're completely devoid of any foliage for the bottom 3 feet...
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thats thanks to septoria leaf spot. a fungal disease i cant seem to rid my garden of.
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it kills the leaves from the end of each branch inward, lowest branches moving upward.
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with the temps cooling, help is needed to ripen the remaining and grow existing green tomatoes, and discourage new flowers and new baby tomatoes. so i trimmed branches just past the last tomato. it worked pretty well for me.
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although some plants tried really hard to sprout new flowers later, this pruning still worked really well. most of the green tomatoes i brought in late in the month were nice sized.
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turns out basil is extremely sensitive to cooler temps. i think it got down to low 60's (F) and the basil just up and died.
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my biggest sunflower head
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my hand is 7" from fingertip to the first wrinkle of my wrist below my palm.
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puppy decided the leaves of the sunflowers were tasty. this is new. he's never eaten the leaves before.
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molly came up and said PAY ATTENTION TO ME!
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the few sunflower seeds that were left in the head. the dogs chewed apart the heads i cut down off the sunflowers. this they usually do. and roll on the heads and chewed up head bits. but the sunflower heads smell like sunflowers, mmm good.
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watermelons are supposed to be ripe when the leaf closest to the step dies off. is hard to see due to the dead leaves as mulch underneath. but the dead leaf is next to the super curlicues, they attach to anything as the vines spread.
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my hand for size on my watermelon
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good stuff! i shared with the dogs, and the tortoise, and saved seeds.
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i waited too long before removing the lower branches of the brussels sprouts. they didnt develop much.
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except for one, whose top was nibbled off by something. it developed a couple of really large sprouts. that dark spot in the middle was the center of the plant, dead.
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but only the top few. still, all the rest of the plants are just minuscule.
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the cooler weather is bringing the broccoli to tighter heads
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