Tuesday, March 1, 2016


Efflorescence is a crystaline deposit on surfaces of masonry, stucco or concrete. it happens when water moves through. the salts are dissolved in the water, and deposited on the outside of the bricks.

one wall in my basement has had problems with efflorescence. i dont get water in the basement, thankfully. but that particular corner of the basement, the outside of the house right there never gets sun. so when that area does get rain, it takes a lot longer to dry out than anywhere else all around my entire basement/house foundation. its also where the hose hook up in the backyard is. the moisture lingers in the ground there without the sun to help dry it out, and moves slowly thru the concrete cinder blocks that make up my house foundation. i'd never know there was moisture in the concrete at all if it didnt leave behind the efflorescence. but it does. and its kinda ugly.

this is the wall
.3-8-16 073

the pinkish orangish stuff is the efflorescence
.3-8-16 074

.3-8-16 075

.3-8-16 076

.3-8-16 077

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