Wednesday, February 4, 2015

free garden planning software

once you use an email for the free trial, you cant use it again, even years and years later. so anyway, i went over there and signed up for a free 30 day trial under a junk email. and using the quick drawings i made from going back thru my old pictures this morning, i printed out a lovely copy of my garden layouts from 2012, 2013, and 2014. then i made a tentative layout plan for 2015. i try to rotate crops, so these layout pictures really help. i put the layouts from previous years into my garden journal, but am leaving the 2015 out to keep looking at. i have 30 days to tinker with it. then the free trial ends again.

if you're interested, you can sign up here . no credit card info is asked for or anything. they email you a confirmation code or something like that and then you enter that code in their site and you're good for 30 days. you can only save one version to tinker with, so if you're going to print out multiple years of layouts, i suggest you start with the older ones first. because i used a junk email, i cant honestly remember if they send spam out trying to entice you into buying the whole program, which costs $25 per year. i wouldnt mind buying garden planning software. buying the actual software with a disc to load the software permanently onto my computer. but i'm not paying $25 a year, year after year, just to be able to access it only on the internet.

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