Thursday, July 7, 2016

corned beef and rutabaga, pear mold, and japanese beetles

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chopped up
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corned beef
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rutabaga and carrots cooked in the leftover corned beef juice and water
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corned beef, carrots, and rutabaga. the rutabaga goes really well with the corned beef with its ever so slight cabbage taste.
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parker pears with its fungal infection
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rubs off onto fingers (though doesnt actually rub OFF the pears, its still there)
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red daylily
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another red daylily
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figures the unwanted pink one would be prolific
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picture to try to help me locate what flowered where
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japanese beetle damage to green bean leaves
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japanese beetles on green bean leaves, they cling to the undersides, making them harder to find and pick off by hand.
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more damage
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slightly blurry japanese beetle
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eggs of SOMETHING laid on a leaf. dont know what.
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beetle trap that i bought two of last year. i dont recommend this kind. it unzips on the bottom to empty out the beetles. the beetles are still alive and can fly away when you unzip it. you have to dump them into water, let them die, strain the water off, and throw them away. the zipper broke the first time i opened it and i had to duck tape the bottom closed. and rain gets in the trap making a disgusting sludge at the bottom of dead and alive bugs and guts that gets all over your hands when you empty it. next year i'm using the kind with disposable bags. tie it off and be done. so gross.

amount of japanese beetles caught in only 3 days in one lure trap. they were HORRIBLE this year.
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