Monday, October 29, 2018

assembling cabinets and super sore

Thursday and Friday (24th and 25th) I woke up super sore. I was glad to go swimming on Thursday and work out the worst of the kinks in my arms and shoulders. Friday I went to the library and moved enough to work the stiffness out.

Saturday I assembled two more cabinets and the missing drawer front arrived so I assembled the 12th and final drawer (for this side of the kitchen).

missing drawer front

i'm disappointed that the drawer sides dont come all the way up, and that i didnt realize that.

i opted to buy the glass sides so at least there would be sides to the tall drawer. they're optional. without them the white bar would still be there but it would be open and things would fall out.

the missing door arrived with the missing drawer front

puppy *helped* with assembly

upper cabinet

puppy *helped* a lot



another upper cabinet

sunday was a family wedding.

today (monday) I assembled the last upper cabinet, the over the fridge one.

the back bedroom is FULL, back to front with cabinets

then I started disassembling the long upper cabinet over the stove and fridge. i cut it apart with the oscillating saw blade and pulled it out piece by piece, including the vent pipe from the ceiling to where the exhaust fan used to be. the bottom and front and middle shelf are gone. the ends, top, and backboard are still up there. I need to figure out how it's attached so i can get it out.


made a big sawdust mess. fit some parts of what I cut away in the trash can. its trash night so I need to figure out what to do with all that damn cardboard from the new cabinets. it wont all fit.

tomorrow dad and I go to ikea to order the rest of the cabinets. I've been working on figuring out countertops.

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