Monday, March 11, 2019

kitchen post 33 - mismatched doors?

i put the doors on the cabinet over the dishwasher. but they looked funny! like two different colors! i tried again the next morning looking in daylight, still different. one was more pink than the other. i was irritated. how could ikea do that when ALL the other doors matched flawlessly! what on earth was going on!

because my kitchen is rather dark, even in daylight, i took them down and brought them out to the living room sunshine. they were exactly the same color. all the cabinet doors and drawer fronts are the exact same color.

but when i put them back up - one is pink, one is normal!

when i was taking down the second door, i was facing forward on the step stool rather than facing back to the handle. i didnt want to turn back around so i tried to go down the steps facing outward and my heel slipped and i slid down the step stool while holding the tall door in my arms and trying desperately not to damage it. it was a slower fall, but i still went all the way down on my back and bumped my head on the door frame. not hard enough to ring my bell, just irritating. but the door was fine!!! and i only added a few new bruises to my backside and elbow.

anyway, it turns out the cabinets were different colors only because of the red tortoise heat lamp!

the way it shined on the door frame between the tortoise room and the kitchen lined up *EXACTLY* between the two cupboard doors so only one looked pinkish. when i shut the door to the tortoise room, the cabinets matched just fine. open the door again: red light!

sadly... it took me three days to figure this out, hehehe. so i must apologize, ikea did nothing wrong. it was the tortoises fault for needing a heat lamp. and the doorways fault for lining up just perfect against that light. yeah, thats it! it was totally sweetpeas fault. *snort* couldnt be my fault, oh no! but all is well.

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