Tuesday, March 8, 2016

half a tree and leaf velcro

here is a picture of the neighbors diseased, half dead apple tree. for some reason, in the 12 years i've lived here, he hasnt seen fit to cut it down. the entire right half of the tree is dead and gone. the tree has fireblight. it could spread to my pear trees. with the right half of the tree missing, the tree tilts farther and farther to the left every year. maybe he's waiting for it to fall over on its own?
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first tray of stuff in the greenhouse!
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bringing the outdoors inside! puppys fur is like velcro.
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i gave up long ago wondering how all the leaf bits kept getting in the house. they simply hitch a ride in on the dogs.
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velcro i tell you.
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and i just chased puppy thru the house cackling and yelling "i'll get you my pretty, and your little toto too!" i gave him a bone earlier, a rawhide roll. and sometimes he likes to play keep-away with it. he'll carry it up to me, and then turn and want me to chase him. so i gave in and chased him around and around and around the house. its still raining outside and he's a bit restless. but he's so silly about it he just makes me laugh. and laughing while running turns into cackling. and cackling while chasing apparently turns me into the wicked witch of the west.

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